Wednesday, 23 June 2010

The Last Exit!

There is one disturbing issue under the Sun which remains a mystery to Mankind and Man has not been able to comprehend it, let alone overcome it. The Creator has not only created the complex and highly-developed specie called Man, He has also created some set of protocols which guide and restrict Man's abilities. These protocols are best referred to as Natural laws - or so we call them.

one of these laws which seem to bother man due to its inevitability is that which I will call The Last Exit. Every place with an entrance must have an exit too. If this fact is argued true, then it could be agreed that our coming into this world via an entrance (The woman) points to the fact that we would someday exit the world.

What bothers me the most isn't the last exit - Death, at least I know by-God's-grace where I'm going thereafter, it's its imperfect timing that brings the troubled state of mind. I keep wondering why some very good people use the last exit very early in life. Just recently, I lost a family friend, a woman who can best be described as good, caring and religious. She used the exit just a few weeks after a brief illness. In my grief, lost in thought and deep in sorrow after the news reached me, a lot of things came to my mind and I ended up composing the poem written below and I dedicated it to her. The poem explains the reason for writing this article because it tells us why we do not need to fear death. The only thing that we should fear is the account we'll give in heaven on judgment day. So why don't we decide to take a u-turn today to start pleasing God and doing good to our fellow neighbor.

Here's the poem: Enjoy the reading.


Open the gates of the earth,
Let me come in with one heart
To pour out all my heart trouble;
For this I must do without tremble.
For the creator has sent me here,
Giving me a life that I must share.

I know God created me with His word
But yet do I know why I’m in this world.
This world seems to me unfair,
With every message in it unclear.
A lot of things I still don’t know about God
But for the little I know, I cannot dodge.

Life makes us joyous
But same makes us dolorous.
We long to possess its gains
But sometimes share its pains.
The Bible has said a worthy thing
“There is a time for everything”.

The good has been taken away
And this has caused more than dismay.
So when I sought God for a way,
He said,"It’s for the greater good of way".
And one thing I know comes forth
God gives those who mourn comfort.

Like they say, “We meet to part and part to meet”
This part isn’t meant for deceit.
For today we express sorrow
But GOD promises Joy tomorrow.
It doesn’t matter who is fit
What matters the most is meeting at Jesus’ feet.

**This poem is dedicated to Mrs. Oluronke Oshilaja;
A woman who isn’t late But doesn’t want to get to Jesus’ feet late.**